Sorbonne Université
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions Room 15-16 304 4 Place Jussieu
75005, Paris
Welcome to my web page !
I am Chargée de Recherches CNRS at the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (Sorbonne University, Paris) and I am in the Inria team CAGE. I am interested in shape analysis and image processing, more particularly in models for constrained large deformations and their applications to computational anatomy.
Here is a detailed CV.
26 June 2023: Next session of the shape seminar at Inria Paris centre. Registration is free but mandatory.
May 2023: We start a new seminar on shape analysis ! All information here.
April 2023: Adel Redjimi joined the project Morphometry under constraints to analyze biological data: a new tool for the scientific community for two years !
January The project Morphometry under constraints to analyze biological data: a new tool for the scientific community is supported by an Emergence(s) program from the City of Paris.
October 21 The conference Registering Medical Images (GdR MIA) will take place in the Henri Poincaré Institute. Registration open here !
IMODAL can now be downloaded here, and its documentation is available here.